FERTIBIOMA It is a fertilizer rich in enzymes and beneficial microorganisms, where each of the enzymes is linked to a primary nutrient. Which makes it assimilable for the plant.
The liquid mixture has better distribution and homogeneity.
The nutrients are immediately available, (in its formulation it has forms that are highly assimilated by the plant).
Losses due to evaporation or leaching are reduced.
It has the highest efficiency in nutrient absorption.
Precise dosage per hectare.
It can be applied even with high or low humidity in the soil.
Designed entirely for Agricultural crops in general (Vegetables, Fruits, Grains and Flowers) it is a personalized fertilizer for producers throughout the Country, FERTIBIOMA is supplied according to the needs of the crop, the pH of the stock solution, such as the necessary nutrients are the basis for the elaboration of an efficient fertilizer.
Dissolve from 20 to 40L of FERTIBIOMA in 100L of water, with stirring, until completely homogenized, add the rest of water until completing 200L. According to the case.
• Ensure a homogeneous distribution each time the backpack is filled. Failure to respect this rule can make the treatment totally ineffective as the minerals precipitate.
• FERTIBIOMA acts during the 78 hours following its addition.
A fractional addition, of for example 20L / Ha and later another 20L / Ha, allows a better stabilization of the bacteria populations and a higher enzymatic activity, compared to a single addition of 40L / Ha. Applying Fertibioma 20 L / Week / Ha. (In greenhouses) Regardless of the fertilization used, excellent quality and quantity results will be obtained, as well as an improvement in the soil structure.
It is applied to the drip irrigation system, dosed to the water in rolling irrigation, to the drench with a backpack and / or sprinkled with the sprayer.
Always calibrate your implements and use the recommended rates only for best benefit.
Does not apply.
Product for agricultural use only.
The addition of FERTIBIOMA in the water causes the appearance of a significant cloudiness.
It is not recommended to use FERTIBIOMA. In combination with disinfectants or solutions rich in copper.
Dispose of containers at agricultural recycling sites and avoid contamination.